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Revelation children’s ministries international is an NGO founded in 2007 with a vision to help those least able to help themselves.

We envision a future in which Uganda has realized its vast human and resource potential and, through training, investment, and partnerships, we can help Ugandan achieve that vision.

Revelation children’s ministries international designs and conducts programs which contribute to the welfare and social productivity of disadvantaged individuals and communities with an emphasis on children and youth.

Revelation children’s ministries international (RCMI) addresses some of the most pervasive problems in rural Uganda, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, hunger, education, poverty, access to clean drinking water, and orphaned children. In addition, we focus on empowering the youth of Uganda with different skills and leadership training.


To enable community acquire adequate knowledge, skills and resources that promote sustainable holistic development.


To improve on the living condition of the most disadvantaged people of Uganda especially the AIDS affected families, orphans, widows and victims of war conflicts.


We being Christians, shall volunteer and strive to uphold the sanctity of human life by meeting the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the vulnerable persons Ensuring that their welfare problems are achieved through effective and efficient improved service delivery. Our development philosophy is based on the saying: “help people to help themselves” Revelation children’s ministries international wants to give them the tools, the knowledge and the spirit to get this process started. Enhance self-respect and motivation. Ownership and a taste of positive change and success can change a spirit and a life forever!


RCMI was founded by Micheal and Esther Erwachu. The organization based feeds, educates and encourages the orphaned, poor and vulnerable in the country of Uganda. The name we chose for this ministry represented what they longed to see take root in the lives of everyone who came in contact with our ministry. In Ateso the local language, Revelation means “APUKOKINIO”RCMI  desires to reveal the truth of God’s unconditional love through Jesus Christ to the people of Uganda.

We show our love for God by obeying His command to care for the least of His people and make disciples of all nations. Every outreach program of RIS, whether education sponsorship, feeding, vocational assistance or community outreach, is accompanied by Biblical teaching and spiritual encouragement. We know that nourishing the physical needs of these people is not the ultimate goal. We long to see them fed spiritually and restored into a right relationship with God.


We have worked to articulate core values that drive our individual and organizational posture. These six stated values serve as guides to remind us what we are about, what is important to us, and what we want to strive for in the future.

PASSION We are not simply employees of RIS, but men and women passionate about living out the gospel in the communities we serve. We work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men. (1 Corinthians 10:31, Colossians 3:23, Matt 5:16)

BIBLICAL TRUTH We are servant leaders who strive to love our neighbors as ourselves. We choose to live and serve according to the truth found in Scripture. We do not avoid conflict, and when it occurs, we approach it in truth and grace. (Mark 10:42-45, Mark 12:30, Philippians 2:2-4, Matthew 18)

RELATIONSHIPS We believe each person is made in God’s image. Since people matter to God, they matter to us. As such, we will intentionally engage the poor, the oppressed and the needy in the communities in which we serve. We believe life change happens through relationship. We will value people over tasks. (Proverbs 22:2, Hebrews 10:24-25, Psalm 82:3-4, Jeremiah 22:16)

FAMILY We believe that children are a heritage from God and a blessing from His hand. We are committed to God’s plan for passing His love down through the ages by encouraging parents to love their children “so the generations to come might know” the love and forgiveness of Christ. We are equally committed to upholding the concept of family as God’s original and primary means of producing a Godly offspring and passing on Godly values from generation to generation. (Psalm 78:5-7; Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Ephesians 6:1-3; Colossians 3:20)

STEWARDSHIP We are responsible with the resources entrusted to us (money, people, and time), recognizing they are God’s gift and provision and not our own. We will be generous in our giving of care, time and finances. (Acts 20:35)

INTEGRITY We will do what we say, and we will say what we do. We place the needs of the team over our own and we value teamwork over individual accomplishments. (Matt 5:7, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, 1 Corinthians 12:12-31)

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